Jumat, Desember 02, 2011

back again!

goodbye november! Hellooooo December!

December, It's supposed winter in here. but Indonesia just have 2 season.. but idk why, the weather just cold.. rainy .. aha aha

i just wondering, will you love me in December as you do in June ?
oh God, how did it get so late so soon ?
It's night before it's afternoon. but December is here before its June.
My godness how the time has flewn. I think i died for a while.

Well, my school hold an exam from November 30th 'till December 9th. and after that there will be an event called 'live-in" where we ( all of 11th grade ) will depatured to somewhere around Center Java, and live with the people out there.. it'll be fun.

maybe next post , if i don't get lazy, i'll post smthng abt my problem.. we'll see ha ha ha

okay bye from now! bless your soul!

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