Jumat, Mei 27, 2011

last day at X3 (⌣́_⌣̀)

fufuufuwuwwww today is the last day at X3. study together, laugh together, smile together, pain together, sing together,cry together ... uwww i'll miss that thing(s)

#aboutX3 meet new friends, BLM, Tipa, Jeo, Sisca, Jane, Olip
#aboutX3 JaRius (Marius + Jane)
#aboutX3 Charlieangels (Charles + Angel)
#aboutX3 GittaGenova ( Sergio + Tape)
#aboutX3 always run when we do the moving class
#aboutX3 Universitas Jayus (By: Gabby)
#aboutX3 Thanks for everything, There are lot(s) of thing that we had through together

Just wanna say sorry and thankyou to all of the people in da class!

from the boys until the ladies, from the shortest until the tallest, from the stupid-est until the clever-est, i appreciate what you've do on this year .
thank's for making my 10th grade colorfull :)

Hey, guys, X3 will have a vacation to Puncak on June 10th until June 12th or June13th,
still don't know when we will depature because, rumors said that from June 10th, the big holiday is begin!

so, we will meet again on 12/13 yea! see you guys!

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